Need help fixing your computer? Check out our repair and service section or contact us now to schedule a servicing.
Elite PCS provides FAST, reliable, in-home computer repair services for Los Angeles areas. Elite PCS technicians are experienced in repairing both PC and Mac computers, upgrading and replacing memory, operating systems, hard drives, motherboards, power supplies, software and processors as well as many other computer peripherals.
Our computer repair geeks also specialize in these other computer services: data backup, data transfer, data recovery, computer repair, laptop repair, virus removal, spyware and malware removal, network security, wireless network setup and repair, remote tech support, as well as other complicated computer repair problems such as the dreaded Blue Screen of Death (BSoD).
Elite PCS onsite computer repair technicians are experienced computer professionals. We provide comprehensive computer PC diagnostic and computer repair services for home computer customers and home business computer customers.
For computer repair or one-on-one, in person training or any computer questions please give a call to Elite PCS @ 310.980.1397 or email contact@elitepcs.net
Slow? System Freezing? Errors? Give a call we have the solution.

Upgrades, Broken screens, Battery Replacement, Tune Up, Clean Up, Spyware.


Broken Screens? Updates? Accessories? We can help you.